The Berrys

Friday, January 30, 2009
A New Woman
Today I am a new woman! I have been given a window of freedom and I define how far I open that window. :) After my doctor appointment today, I have been released to do a few more things. What are these things you may ask? 1. I am sitting up to type this. 2. I can go out to eat with my husband tomorrow night. 3. Super Bowl party here I come. (I have never been so excited for the Super Bowl) 4. I can go to Target for an hour if I want to. 5. I get to have lunch with a friend at the Tea Room tomorrow. 6. I can do light household chores (AGAIN- Never been so excited to do laundry or empty the dishwasher) With all of this said, I do need to continue to take it easy. I have been warned that I am weak and fragile from 10 weeks of lying on a couch, which means I need to be cautious about how much I add to my day. In all reality I am just so excited to sit up. The indigestion from lying down to eat was really getting to me. I think I now own half of the Tums company as I have made my way through millions of bottles of nasty chalkiness. I have an appointment scheduled for Friday the 13th (ahhhhh) in which it is possible I will deliver around that time. So Amber, Sarah, Cindy and Sandy there is a very high chance that one of you will share a birthday with our baby. We continue to be in awe that we have made it this far and thank you again for the many many thoughts and prayers you have given on our behalf. I will continue to update this blog and as soon as there is news of a baby, we will also post that here. So stayed tuned!
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Your post just made my day!! I am so happy for you guys! Just remember to take it easy at first, as it is amazing how quickly your body gets used to being on bed rest :) I am so excited to meet this little person (and you too!!). Just not for a few more weeks :) You remain in our prayers.
katie and the boys
you are such a role model alicia! i hope sometime i will become half as strong as you have been! i am so proud of you and can not wait to see our new baby cousin! :):)
Love Morgan
This is WONDERFUL news! We couldn't be happier! Valentine's Day is such a wonderful day and I would love to share my birthday with your baby :)
I hope you can slowly reduce your intake of tums...haha, that made me laugh.
Talk to you soon,
I also have to say that Valentines Day would be a wonderful day to welcome your baby into this world! :) I'm thrilled that everything is going well and that you are able to get up and move around. We can't wait to hear about the new baby. Praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby!
Congratulations Alicia - and Paul - and baby. You did it! Looking forward to hearing a birth announcment: ) - Gwen
No words can express our excitement and love of this new arrival. You and Paul are two of strogest people we know. love mom
Lots of thoughts and prayers your way!
I doubt any of us who have never had to be on bedrest can fully appreciate all of your joys over the little things such as sitting up to eat, but we do know that it is a HUGE answer to prayer! Praying for you as your countdown shortens and the little one comes.
I happened to stumble on your blog quite by accident,actually. I saw someone mention it on facebook, so I checked it out. I had no idea of everything you and Paul have been through. I remember when we worked together at camp and you realized who I was and that you had been praying for my dad and our family as we dealt with cancer and then death. It was a moment when I so completely felt enveloped by God's love. So, thank you for that and I am honored to return the favor. You and Paul and baby :) will be in my prayers over the next weeks. I pray all goes well! Take care! :)
~Laurel (Kolb) Lewman
Hey Alicia and Paul,
That is so exciting! We will continue to keep you all in our prayers as you anticipate meeting your new little one. We also praise God for the prayers he has answered so far! I can't wait to come visit the new baby as well. I would love to come by and visit you sometime this week! God is so good!
Kelly for the Gingerich family
Yeah for the good news! I hope last night the game wasn't too stressful for you and make you go into labor! Clint grew up as a big time Steelers fan so we were pretty nervous towards the end and quite excited w/ the win! He even got Lilly a jersey and she was waving her terrible towel around! I hope you still at least use the pregnancy excuse so Paul will clean the bathrooms for you - I know I would :) Take care and hopefully we'll see you and the baby sometime soon!
Alicia, so glad you can go have lunch with a friend. How fun. We're eagerly waiting to hear about the birth!
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