The Berrys

The Berrys

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Good Morning Ameria!!!!!!!!!

So this morning Paul and I were watching Good Morning America and good ol' Dr. Oz was presenting some information about chronic pain and recovery. He said that for each day you are in bed it will take 10 days to recovery. I literally started to laugh out loud. Bursts of laughter! So far I have been on this couch for 63 days. You do the math. :)


Anonymous said...

So, by the time your little baby is 2 years old, you should be starting to feel "recovered" - that sounds about normal to me: )

faye slaubaugh said...

sounds right to me :) by the time the baby's two believe me you'll want that bedrest..... :) love ya,mom

TimnKatienElinSam said...

It does take awhile to recover.....

I remember a few weeks after the boys were born, the elevator in the hospital was not working, and me, being unwilling to wait 20 minutes until they were fixed, took the stairs six stories up to the NICU. I thought I was going to pass out!!

I was on bedrest from week 13 to 23 and then modified from 23 to 29, and I recovered much sooner than that!!

Keep up the good work!!

Katie and the boys