The Berrys

The Berrys

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Officially Nesting

Still here, no baby news yet. However, many of you would be proud of my mini projects that I have been tackling. I have now officially organized every closet we own even going as far as washing every button down shirt Paul owns, ironed it and organized it by color. I do believe I have found the real meaning of the word "nesting"? It is amazing to be a more normal pregnant woman. I think most woman would be very tired by the 36 week but I have been renewed with energy at the mere mention of cleaning the house.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you had enough energy to do some organizing! I know how important that is... feels good doesn't it. It was so good to see you last week! You are a blessing to me & I admire you & your response to all you have encounter over the past few years. You are amazing & I can't wait to meet your little one!

tiffany said...

doesn't it feel so good to clean and actually have the motivation to do it?! i remember being obsessed about organizing my silverware drawer. :)

Anonymous said...

I heard your mom is on her way out to see you, I hope you enjoy your time together. I'm glad you got all of your cleaning done now so you can focus all of your attention on the baby when it arrives. We can't wait to hear the news!!

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! I knew I was nesting when I obsessively cleaned the outside of our stainless steel garbage can. Mackenzie was born the next day. Look forward to hearing your good news!