The Berrys

The Berrys

Monday, November 28, 2011

32 Weeks vs The Long Car Ride

Wow- what a huge day.  Again.  As we continue to travel the last few weeks I am often in awe again of the many meals, prayers and visits we receive.  Again thank you for walking with us.  At this point all is well and it looks like some of my restrictions will be lifted as of 34 weeks.  We do still ask for your prayers as the last couple of weeks have brought a new sort of issue up.  Because I am so closely monitored, my doctor started to notice that my amniotic fluid level was on the low end.  After a few weeks of monitoring, the fluid appears to be stable.  However, if it were to continue to decrease that would bring a whole new set of issues that we really don't want to face.

As for the last two weeks-  have you ever been on a really long car ride?  Being from Iowa, I have made the 16 hour drive more times than I care to count.  The first 15 hours tend to fly by but the last hour is INSANE.  The kind of poke your eyes out insane.  Everything about the people in the car with you annoys you.  The way they chew their gum, the music they listen to, the speed they are driving or the fact that they aren't driving.  Everyone is grumpy, tired and sore.  Adding children to the mix only increases the insanity level.  The last hour feels unbearable.  As the car creeps closer and closer to home, the passengers in the car seems to mentally nudge the gas pedal to the floor.  It is time to be home.  Once the car pulls into the driveway, everyone literally spills out of the car not wanting to think of the unpacking that is before them.  I am at the last hour.  The one of insanity.  The urge to nudge the pedal faster.  I feel like the Train Engine that Could repeating, "I think I can, I think I can." So close yet so far.    "I CAN do this, "I Can do this."

1 comment:

danetterjoy said...

Are you writing from your experience THIS summer??? Ha! I love you and will pray that you don't poke your eyes out in your "final hour"!!! Love you!!!