We promise not to flood this website with pictures. However, we are unable to access Facebook at the hospital because according to the web blocker, it is a dating network and is not acceptable for the hospital. So here is where we will post some new shots. We have some anxious grandparents who need to see her. Thank you for the many e-mails and notes. They are so fun to get.
Flood it with pictures please!!!! She is adorable.
It's your website...flood with pictures!!!! Aliyah said, "Baby, so pretty!" She's adorable!
Alicia don't you understand that it's your job as a blogger to flood your blog with pictures of your cutie!?! If people don't want to see them then they won't be checking your blog. :) I can't stop thinking about you guys. I'm so happy for you. I know everyone says it, but soak it all in( I know you are). There is nothing like the ultra-soft skin of your newborn baby girl (and it does't take long for that to change). Before you know it she will be crawling and getting into all your photography stuff. I can't wait to meet her. Hopefully we'll be in Iowa together sometime. And for the record I also think she looks like you. :)
Oh my word...she's gorgeous! Looks just like her mama!:) Keep the pics coming...this little girl has a lot of fans!:)
Oops, that one up there is from Mandy!:)
I was so happy to see more pictures when I checked your blog! She is beautiful and I can't wait to meet her. I plan to shower her with Hawkeye clothing :)
Keep the pictures coming, because you guys and Audra are so loved!
She is so beautiful! I am so happy for you guys! I love the joy & happiness I see in your faces! What a beautiful little girl. I can't wait to meet her in person! Love you guys!
OH GOODIE! Love to see the pictures. Keep them coming.Gotta see one with the hat off! :) CONGRATULATIONS!
Congradulations Paul and Alicia. She is so beautiful, our kid's ooh and ahh when they look at her picture. We are so happy for you. Love the Kauffman's.
Congratulations on a BEAUTIFUL baby girl!! Aspen went from keeping you and the baby in prayer to saying, "Thank you Jesus, praise you Lord!!!!!" I am so excited for you to start your journey.
Alicia...she looks like you!! She is beautiful!!! Hope things continue to go well for you and Paul as you begin to adjust to going home and having this precious bundle of joy in your lives.
Audra is beautiful! and what a beautiful name!! I am so excited she is here! Keep the pictures the coming.
oops.... the above is from Sally
Paul & Alicia,
Congratulations! I sent a comment before but I don't see it so don't think you got it. What a beautiful little girl. She DOES look like her mommy when she was a baby (OK Paul she looks like you too, that hair!). We are very excited to meet her in person. God is Good!! Blessing to you all.
Love, Auntie Ruth & Uncle Lynn
She is just 100% beautiful!!! Isn't just completely awesome?!? Blink and 1 year will go by, so enjoy every single moment. I can't wait to meeting her! And go shopping with her to Ikea OF COURSE! :)
Also, isn't God awesome, we were praying for a full-term healthy pregnancy and that's exactly what He answered with. Such an awesome testimony!
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