Audra has taken an intense liking to a bunny and a blanket. Not a "I am fond of you" kind of liking more of a "I cannot live without and will cry and stomp my feet if I can't have you" kind of liking. I noticed the attraction a few days ago when it was time for bunny and blanket to be washed. I brought them down for upstairs and started for the laundry room. As I opened the laundry door, I heard little feet pounding the hardwood floor. I looked up to see Audra sprinting- yes sprinting for the laundry room with this look of adoration filling her face. Me being the naive mother thought the look of adoration was for me. Ha! Was I wrong. As I began to throw bunny and blanket in the washer, Audra screeched to a halt and her face crumpled into the most pathetic little pout. Tears began to well up in her eyes and she began to sob hysterically as the washer filled with water. She stood before the door to the front loading washer and pounded her little hands on the window. She watched it turn and tumble while the tears rolled down her face. I picked her up and carried her to the other room trying to console her. 2 hours later the dryer signal sounded and I stood to get the clothes out of the dryer. Again I heard little feet pounding the floor as I opened the door to the dryer. Audra wedged her way in front of me and lightning quick had her bunny and blanket out of the dryer. She wrapped her pudgy arms fiercely around her treasures and took off out the door. As she stomped out of the room she looked back at me with this look like" you will never get these from me again!" I laughed to myself as I realized we will need to work on the bunny/blanket addiction.
Just a side note- our Doctor told us that children who have a security blanket/item are showing they are able to make emotional connections that are healthy. However, the doctor did say that if she is still carrying bunny and blanket in kindergarten we will talk. :)
Just in case you didn't believe me I have posted a picture- notice the crazed look in her eyes AND a video.