The Berrys

The Berrys

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

Another week down and another great report from the doctor.   We are now at 30 weeks and 3 days so we are breathing much easier than our UVA fiasco five weeks ago.  Today I also had the privilege of   completing a three hour glucose test.  This test basically consists of a wicked orange drink that taste like flat orange soda with  three cups of sugar added to it.  Bleck!  It was nasty.  I am sure my middle school students would have loved it. 

On another note- your prayers would be welcomed for my friend Megan.  She is currently pregnant  as well and due in March. Her daughter recently contracted the virus 5th disease, which is not lethal to toddlers,  but is extremely dangerous for a fetus.  Megan tested positive today for the virus and is being closely monitored by doctors.  She goes in weekly to check and make sure the baby is not anemic.  If this were to happen she would have to receive blood transfusions.  She and her family would welcome your prayers. 

1 comment:

Annika said...

ugg, that sugar drink makes me gag! Glad you are done with it. I don't know why they won't let me OD on jelly belly's. it'd be a lot more fun! :)